I am extremely envious of the pretty armor. It may be related to whether or not that person/house is ever the subject of a quest.they'll attack/call guards/report you, but random other households just thrown in for diversity/looting don't report you. Always save before though, because it seems to vary, and make sure you don't get a bounty. Just steal right under their noses, and nothing happens. So does the guy in Balmora in.Nerano Manor, I think. For example, Divayth Fyr attacks if you steal from him and he sees it. I think that they do attack if they are powerful and/or rich. But if you, say, go into one of those inhabited houses or a shack in Seyda Neen, you can steal everything in there and all the person will do is say stuff like "Help! Thief!", "Filthy swit!" and so on, but they will not attack, you will not get a bounty, and guards will not acost you when you leave. They'll call their own personal house guards, if they have them. Shopkeepers will *always* call the guards, but homeowners will not. Stealing, lockpicking, attacking nonhostiles. You have to be unseen (sneaking) to be able to do any of those activities with people around. If anybody sees it, they call for the guards (even if the guards are outside and you're inside when you steal, the guards will get you when you emerge). What level of of stealing/looting, lockpicking can take place before they get pissed at me?